Monday, July 16, 2018

What's Your Attitude?

What's Your Attitude?


Take the Quibblo Quiz to find out. 
There are 8 multiple choice questions.

What was your attitude based on the quiz?

Tell us in the comments below. My results are at the bottom.

How's your attitude? Is your attitude great on Mondays? Great all through the week? Only on Fridays? Never when at work?

Great Attitude of a LEADER is: 
1. Cooperative
2. Respectful
3. Down-to-Earth
4. Positive
5. Happy
6. Pleasant
7. Mild mannered
8. Listens to ideas and feedback (even if it is negative).

Bad Attitude of a BOSS is: 
1. Uncooperative 
2. Resentful
3. Snobbish- better than everyone else 
4. Negative
5. Angry
6. Overbearing- arrogant
7. Bossy
8. Selfish, thinks of self first.

Mixed Attitude:
Changes throughout the day depending on what's going on.

My results from the quiz was that I am a REALIST (I thought I was an Optimist)

Quibblo's definition of a realist is
"You are mature, rational and intuitive. You know that you might never be a millionaire or supermodel but who cares? You know that you're life is good the way it is."

Get your FREE Quote for Virtual Assistance at

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