Friday, August 10, 2018

Fun Fact Friday #5 Coffee

Are you a coffee lover?

Did you know?

Coffee is the most effective when consumed 

between 9:30 am - 11:30 am. 



According to Lifehacker:

Because of the way coffee effects our bodies, there may be more ideal times (also 1 pm & 5 pm) to drink it. Neuroscience PhD student Steve Miller explains that in the mornings (between the hours of 8 am - 9 am) our cortisol levels are at their highest. Cortisol isn't just the "stress hormone" -- it's also correlated with our alertness levels. 

So if we drink coffee at the same time our alertness is already at its peak, we're wasting the potential alertness boost we get from the caffeine.


What time do (did) you drink your coffee at? 

I use to drink coffee the first thing when I got up (between 6-7 am) because I love to drink coffee with my breakfast. Another time would be when I have dessert at a fancy restaurant (than approx. 8 pm) that is probably why I don't sleep so well, the caffeine alertness kicks in (unless I order Decaf.).

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