Monday, August 27, 2018

Grammarly (online tool) Writing Assistant App

Is it worth it for:


Freelance writers?


Social media fans?

Everyday projects such as a Portfolio?

I'd say YES to the FREE version  GRAMMARLY,  add to chrome and it's free.

It checks your spelling plus identifies grammatical errors. When you write and edit articles it works on Facebook & Twitter (which do not have a spell or grammar check). Take Grammarly with you and write without mistakes also for Gmail, Tumblr, LinkedIn, or anywhere else you go on the web. 

Premium $11.66 mo. if billed yearly / $29.95 mo. 

(more features for the full-time writer or student who does a lot of writing.)

This tool has become very helpful especially when you are typing fast, it catches your errors before you put it out there for all to see on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

I would love to assist you in writing on your blog, descriptions for your products if that would help free up some time for you to do other important tasks for your online business.

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