Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday Inspiration Proverbs 15:23

Controlling thoughts before you speak is very wise.

What is your motive for wanting to say that?

Consider what you say prior to speaking because you can't take your words back.

     Even if you have something hard to say like a criticism if it is spoken with the right motive (for the listener's benefit), calmly, in person (not over the phone, social media or texting) and at the right time it can be very beneficial to both parties. But if spoken with selfish motives, harshly, at the wrong time and without allowing feedback from the other person, that can be very damaging.

Good Motives: 
1. Unselfish 
2. Want to help the other person
3. Mentor the other person 
4. Lead them not boss them
5. Keep open-minded to new options

Golden Rule
Matt 7:12, Luke 6:31
Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.

Rom 13:9, Gal 5:14
Love thy neighbor as thy self

Unhealthy/Bad Motives: 
1. Selfish 
2. Want to hurt the other person
3. Wanting to get your way
4. You're the boss
5. Close-minded

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