Monday, November 12, 2018


When, Where & How is the Best Time to Nap?

A Nap is a Great Idea 

(scientifically speaking, studies have shown)

When I heard Daniel Pink's interview on the Rachel Ray Show here is what I gained from his talk:

1. Best nap time usually 2-3pm (6-7 hrs after you wake-up)

2. Find a comfortable spot- chair, lounger, bed

3. Set your alarm for 25 min.

4. Use earplugs, music or white noise to drown out sounds

5. Wear an eye mask to block out light

6. Drink coffee? What? 
(He puts ice cubes in his in-order to gulp it down)

7. Within 10 minutes he is asleep

8. 15 minutes of a good nap

9. The coffee he drank starts kicking in after 25 min. 
(Right, when he wakes up from his nap.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone was given a 25 min. nap break if improve their productivity?

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